COVID 19 | Staying Well Physically and Mentally


I know these are crazy times right now, but I hope you are doing well and staying healthy amidst it all.  I wanted to share some simple tips to hopefully help get you through this crisis feeling healthy and sane. Prioritizing mental and physical health is extra important during this time since this crisis is putting a unique and continual strain on everyone’s health – both mentally and physically. Here’s what I’ve got for you.

Staying Healthy Physically

  1. Work Out: try to workout a couple days a week to get your blood (and endorphins!) flowing! This will help to improve your sleep, mood, and energy levels! You don’t need equipment to workout from home. You can go for walks, do bodyweight exercises, or look up at “at home, no equipment workouts” on YouTube. There are so many options, trust me! There are also plenty of free workout and yoga apps that will inspire and motivate you.
  2. Eat Well: try to continue to eat well during your time at home. Focus on eating a variety of colors (thus, a variety of nutrients), whole and nutrient dense foods (as opposed to heavily processed foods), and avoid too much sugar and caffeine. I’ve heard some people say they need to “social-distance” from the refrigerator lately. If this is you, try to stick to your three meals a day and limit random snacking to when you’re actually hungry.
  3. De-Stress: Too much stress is so bad for the body. It can cause unwanted stomach issues, headaches, and a lot of other physical ailments. Try to make time for things that help you to unwind and de-stress.

Some things to try: getting outside, exercising, baking or cooking, watching movies or shows, reading, journaling, calling a friend or family member, getting alone time, doing a puzzle, drawing, or anything else creative and refreshing!

Staying Healthy Mentally

  1. Create Space: If you’re stuck at home with the family, this can bring both pros and cons. Try to make sure everyone is getting enough alone time and space. Communication is key! In my household, my husband and I let each other know beforehand when we’re planning to have alone time and space so that the other person is on the same page and can respect that boundary. Talking about it beforehand helps prevent misunderstanding and hurt feelings. 
  2. Organize Your Day: Working from home is normal for some, but it’s super new for a lot of people! I’ve found that it helps me to plan out my day and follow that plan whenever possible. This helps me be productive, stay on track, and have specific goals to accomplish. It’s also super helpful for me to communicate my plan with my partner so he’s on the same page and knows what to expect for the day. I know it can be difficult to feel organized when everyone is cooped up all together, yet trying to accomplish separate and unique agendas . Communication about plans, desires, expectations, and boundaries is essential now more than ever. Talking about things before they reach the breaking point helps to avoid major conflicts.
  3. Recharge: Make sure you’re taking time to do things that recharge and refresh you. We honestly don’t know how much longer we’re going to be stuck at home. Taking preventative measures to make sure you don’t burn out (personally and interpersonally) will help you to make it through. What refreshes you? Make time for some of these “self-care” activities and make sure others in your household are as well! 

Finally, if you’re wondering, “What about the spiritual dimension of our lives?” may I suggest that by taking care of the physical and the mental, we are putting ourselves in a better place: to read and desire the Word more often, to make our prayers lives more meaningful, and to trust God with peace through it all—just to name a few spiritual benefits! I certainly encourage you to invest in your spiritual health during this time as well. 

If you’re interested in more crisis specific health and wellness tips or want just general healthy living tips, recipes, and inspiration, feel free to check out my Instagram page. I share weekly healthy recipes, wellness ideas and inspiration, and host free live trainings with other health and wellness experts.

Stay healthy, stay safe.

Ruthanne Bigley
